Rambling leaving the brain…

Spending as much time in the car as I do (seriously, since Monday, it’s been about 550 miles) – my mind wanders. Perhaps it’s not such a great thing and may be considered distracted driving, but it does help lead me to various conclusions when I’m undecided about something or just cool me off after a hard day.

Or to justify why the lecture I just gave went from bio to conditioning to evolutionary psych.

I’ve been thinking about my recent decision to change my path since the school year started, and am doing my best to give this choice a college try. Each time I think I’ve gotten ahead, it’s not the case. Is it a sign, or is it a challenge? I’m not sure yet.

Not to mention, I’ve been thinking about things I used to do for pleasure but have lost touch with. Like writing. Hence the blog – it’s a start, no?

(I don’t count emails as writing.)

Guitar. Making jewelry. Taking Bruin to the Bark Park for hours at a time. Reading! Walking down to the water…

I guess the good thing is I’ve got the time to do those things now. I’m not seeing it that way yet, but hopefully something positive will come out of it.

It’s bugging me that I gave up something I love so much for … well, as it’s turning out thus far, nothing.

While I’m rambling, I need to get my caboose to the gym. I got home earlier than expected this evening and took Bru for a walk, but haven’t made it to the gym in over a week. I have no idea how to motivate myself.

Anyway, I need a beer.

Cheers –


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